How to Use Hashtags in Social Media?

How to Use Hashtags in Social Media?

When it comes to, promoting your business or brand on social media, hashtags plays very important role to get success.  Hashtags are like keywords which can be used to organize messages on the social media network. It is known as a hash or pound sign. First-time hashtags were used on Twitter and now it has become common on all social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Google Plus. The use of hashtags provides you a powerful way to engage your audience in your business.

Basics of HashTags:

Basic information about using the hashtag on social media is given below.

Do not use a hashtag before every word, because it looks very bad. The number of hashtags depends on which platform you’re going to use. Generally, one or two hashtags are enough on social media.

Your post should be short, catchy and memorable rather than using a lot of words in one tag.

Don’t try to put hashtags in every post. Instead of this use hashtags when they add value to your post.

Use of hashtags not only attracts members of your target audience, but also they use to increase your competition in the market.

Search using hashtags will uncover relevant content related to your topic.

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When you are going to use hashtags in your message, then you should separate keywords. For example, if your keyword is “Black Cat” then your hashtag will be #BlackCat and if you go with #Black #Cat then this can give you two different keywords such as “Black” and “ Cat”.

Where you can place Hashtags?

You can use hashtags anywhere in your content or message. You can use hashtags in the main body of your message or in the end.

Hashtags On Twitter:

You should tweets with one or two hashtags on Twitter; the total percentage of the hashtag on twitter is 21%.

Tweet with the help of hashtags can help to generate more retweets on Twitter.


According to the research, you will probably get more ad clicks if you do not use the hashtag on Twitter.

Use Hashtags on Instagram:

If you want your post looks catchy then you should always use hashtags on Instagram.

Research shows that post on Instagram with 11 hashtags can generate the highest level of engagement in your post.

The upper limit of hashtags is 30 and this depends on your per post.

If you add any post with one hashtag then you will get 12.6% engagement.

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Hashtags on Facebook:

The hashtags on Facebook are different from Twitter and Instagram. So when you are going to use hashtags on Facebook you should keep some points in your mind.

On Facebook, Avoid using too many hashtags in your post. The best engagement of hashtags on this social media will be one to two hashtags per post. According to the research if you use more than two hashtags in a Facebook post, then you can see less engagement.

Try to make your post public on Facebook. The reason behind this, only your followers and friends will see your post. If you make your post public then anyone can see this post if they search for a hashtag and if you have included that hashtag in your post.

Hashtag on Pinterest:

Nowadays, Pinterest has become the fourth most popular social media. So always use the hashtag on Pinterest with words or phrases so that your content can come in Pin when anyone searches for it. Don’t use more than twenty hashtags per pin.

Hashtags on LinkedIn:

On LinkedIn you should add hashtags for your business’s profile; this will give you more visibility.

If you write long content on LinkedIn then you should add some relevant hashtags in your article this will help you to categorize content on LinkedIn and it will show to its interested users.

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Hashtags on YouTube:

Use hashtags on YouTube is very easy. Users can add hashtags in their comments, and when anyone clicks on it, then they able to see all videos of that user.